2010年10月29日 星期五

Eradicate Landmines to Plant Seeds of Hope--根除地雷, 撒種希望

伊甸基金會反地雷與集束彈藥講座-根除地雷, 撒種希望

Talk on Landmine and Cluster Munitions--
Eradicate Landmines to Plant Seeds of Hope



International Humanitarian Laws and the Civil Society’s Monitoring Mechanism—
The Role of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor in Promoting Global Human Rights



1997年,122個政府於加拿大渥太華簽訂《禁雷公約》。今天,156個締約國約定禁止儲存、生產、和轉讓人員殺傷地雷。此為公民社會首次成功地推動國際人道法。國際反地雷組織(International Campaign to Ban Landmine, ICBL)因成功促使公約簽訂而獲得1997年諾貝爾和平獎。

如今,全球90多個國家清除了至少1,100平方公里的雷區,新增的雷傷者已逐年減少。2008年,公民社會再一次成功地推動《禁用集束彈藥公約》(the Convention on Cluster Munitions)於挪威奧斯陸簽署,而此國際人道公約已於2010年8月1日正式全球生效。公民社會持續推動新的國際規範,嘗試改變戰爭的進行方式。

因國際地位而無法簽署國際人道公約的台灣,台灣地公民社會卻沒有於國際人道運動中缺席。邀請您參加伊甸基金會於東吳大學舉辦的 “挖出地雷, 種下希望種子”,與您分享公民社會的活力與熱情。

The successes of Ottawa Convention in 1997 and the recent Convention on Cluster Munitions have proved that civil society can play a significant role in making new international humanitarian norms. These two international conventions have radically changed the conduct of warfare provide legal tools to protect basic human rights. The new roles that the civil society can play in international politics therefore should deserve in-depth study and research.

Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor is an initiative providing research for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). This civil-society generated project becomes the de facto monitoring regime for the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions. How global civil societies work together for the project? Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, a Canadian expert on mine-ban campaign and the Program Manger of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, will share her extensive experiences in ICBL and her work in connecting global researchers to monitor the two international humanitarian laws.


賈桂琳‧韓森(Ms. Jacqueline Hansen);她走遍30餘個國家,有著超過10年的反地雷運動經驗;興趣是園藝、工作是倡議;她如何在不到30歲即擔任國際反地雷組織(ICBL)的「地雷監督者」(Landmine Monitor)計畫主持人?

每年在他的計畫下,200萬美元的預算,管理並串聯起全球80位不同國家的監督報告研究者、20人的編輯團隊;透過這個計畫,全球公民社會成功監督《禁雷公約》(Mine Ban Treaty)以及《集束彈藥公約》(Convention on Cluster Munitions)這兩個國際人道法的執行與實踐。


*Traveled more than 30 countries
*More than 10 years expereinces in mine-ban campaign
*Became Program Manager of Landmine Monitor, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, before age 30
*Cultivated a US$2 million annual budget and managed a network of over 80 researchers from around the world and a 20-person Editorial Team
*Monitored the implementation of two international humanitarian laws: Mine Ban Treaty Convention on Cluster Munitions
*Led civil society to promote international humanitarian campaign


時間-Time:2010/11/15  (Mon) 12:00- 14:00 pm

地點-Location:東吳大學[外雙溪校區] (台北市士林區臨溪路70號) 哲生樓 H203室(請參閱報名表中之交通資訊);Room H203, Sum Memorial Hall, SooChow University[Waishuanghsi Campus]No. 70, Linhsi Road, Shilin District, Taipei City

報名方式-Registration:請於2010/11/12前填寫完報名表Registration Form後傳至 ieden.info@gmail.com以完成報名;please download and fill the Registration Form and email us before 2010/11/12: ieden.info@gmail.com

諮詢熱線-TEL:02-2578-4515 #205 蔡小姐 Ms. Ella Tsai


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