An award ceremony at the Incheon International Conferences on Disability
in October 2012
Eden Social Welfare Foundation Reelected for Chair of Committees on Accessible Tourism and Transportation of Asian and Pacific Disability Forum
Eden Social Welfare Foundation has achieved another reelection this October for the Committee Chair on Accessible Tourism and Transportation at the Asia & Pacific Disability Forum (APDF) Conference 2012 held in Incheon, Republic of Korea, since its first success in the election in 2006. APDF is an international platform for persons with disabilities as well as non disabled participants from the Asian and Pacific region to network and share experiences and ideas.
Besides APDF, other major INGOs, such as the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), Rehabilitation International (RI), and Disabled Peoples' International (DPI), were also featured in the Incheon International Conferences on Disability, a one-week series of internatinal conferences where the following awards were given in honor of winners who have made significant contribution to the rights of persons with disabilities.
Please be invited to congratudate with us winners of the awards listed below for their outstanding achievement in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific: Mr. Katsunori Fujii, Chairperson of Workability Asia (WAS), winner of Toyota Foundation Grants for the 2012 Asian Neighbors Program and 2012 Research Grant Program, also awarded by UN ESCAP as the Champion of Asia-Pacific Disability Rights; Mr. Muhammad Atif Sheikh, President of Special Talent Exchange Program of Pakistan, awarded by UN ESCAP as the Promoter for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2013-2022; Mr. Joseph Kin Fun Kwok, Executive Committee Member and National Secretary for Hong Kong Rehabilitation International, awarded by UN ESCAP as the Promoter of Asia-Pacific Disability Rights.
Please be invited to congratudate with us winners of the awards listed below for their outstanding achievement in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific: Mr. Katsunori Fujii, Chairperson of Workability Asia (WAS), winner of Toyota Foundation Grants for the 2012 Asian Neighbors Program and 2012 Research Grant Program, also awarded by UN ESCAP as the Champion of Asia-Pacific Disability Rights; Mr. Muhammad Atif Sheikh, President of Special Talent Exchange Program of Pakistan, awarded by UN ESCAP as the Promoter for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2013-2022; Mr. Joseph Kin Fun Kwok, Executive Committee Member and National Secretary for Hong Kong Rehabilitation International, awarded by UN ESCAP as the Promoter of Asia-Pacific Disability Rights.
Staff at Eden Returned with Great Success at Asian and Pacific Disability Forum, Republic of Korea
Representatives of Eden Social Welfare Foundation headed for a compact series of conferences at 2012 Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF) in Incheon, Republic of Korea from October 29th to November 2nd. Following the achievements made in the first Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993 to 2002, declared by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), information regarding the progress and challenges faced during the second Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003 to 2012, is exchanged.
More than three thousand people from over one hundred countries participated in the Incheon International Conferences on Disability, a ten-day intensive series of events and activities featuring UN ESCAP, APDF, and Rehabilitation International (RI), all of which are faithful supporters of the rights and needs of communities with disabilities around the globe.
An active long-term participant at APDF and RI, Eden Social Welfare Foundation has succeeded in making the voice of communities with disabilities in Taiwan heard among members of international civil society, reaching another historic milestone in the progress of the rights of persons with disabilities in Taiwan.
With the closing of the final review of the implementation of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012, UN ESCAP and the participating international non-profit organizations at the event have agreed to declare “making the rights real for persons with disabilities” a top priority in the first year of a new Asian and the Pacific Decade for Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022.
Representatives from host organizations posing with supporters with
physical disabilities at the opening ceremony of the event
Barrier-free Housing Design Contest to be Held in Tainan
The 2012 Barrier-free Housing Design Contest is kicking off. The event is co-chaired by Tainan City Government Bureau of Social Affairs and Eden Social Welfare Foundation. A display house was built to promote the idea of creating barrier-free homes. Prospective contestants may start submitting applications until the 7th of December, 2012. Students who study architecture, interior design, urban planning, and landscape architecture in Taiwan’s colleges and universities as well as professionals in private practices are invited to join the contest for a chance to win the first price of 100,000 NTD.
Tainan Blind Welfare Association and Tainan City Cerebral Palsy Association were joined by other local agencies and advocates with disabilities at the contest’s opening ceremony hosted by Ms. Tsao Ai-lan, Director of Tainan City Government Bureau of Social Affairs, and Ms. Shi Li-yue, Trustee of Eden Welfare Foundation. Read more here.
Youth Financial Camp with Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited
On the 24th of October, Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited, a faithful supporter of Eden Social Welfare Foundation’s breakfast program for children of marginalized communities, held a youth financial camp at its local branch in Dahu, Miaoli, for socially disadvantaged children from Taichung Evangelical Covenant Church and Eden Social Welfare Foundation New Immigration Development Division, Miaoli. Young participants at the event were given the opportunity to learn financial knowledge outside of classrooms as they had a taste of what it was like to work in a financial institute.
H.M. King Mswati III of Swaziland Receives Eden Social Welfare Foundation
As of October 27th, 2012, Eden Social Welfare Foundation was honored to be graced with the presence of His Majesty King Mswati III, King of the Kingdom of Swaziland, who has visited Taiwan with high level officers and administrators of the Kingdom of Swaziland for the 13th time since 1989.
His Majesty King Mswati III receives staff representatives of Eden Social Welfare Foundation, the Garden of Mercy Foundation, and Chinese Evangelical Covenant Church of South Africa at the hotel of Regent Taipei with the assistance of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China. Valuable information has been exchanged among representatives of participating organizations and the royal delegation regarding the establishment of a new program for orphans with AIDS in the Kingdom of Swaziland. Read more here.
Youth Financial Camp with Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited
Young participants posing for group pictures at the end of a day full of
learning and fun at the Youth Financial Camp with Standard Chartered
Bank (Taiwan) Limited
Young participant learning how to
operate a currency counting
machine at Youth Financial Camp
with Standard Chartered Bank
(Taiwan) Limited
On the 24th of October, Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited, a faithful supporter of Eden Social Welfare Foundation’s breakfast program for children of marginalized communities, held a youth financial camp at its local branch in Dahu, Miaoli, for socially disadvantaged children from Taichung Evangelical Covenant Church and Eden Social Welfare Foundation New Immigration Development Division, Miaoli. Young participants at the event were given the opportunity to learn financial knowledge outside of classrooms as they had a taste of what it was like to work in a financial institute.
Young participants at the youth financial camp were having a lot of fun learning how to manage money with five staff members of Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited leading them in group activities. Read more here.

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