When I was confirmed to keep the trip with disabilities to Tamsui in a typhoon day, I was shocked but said “OK” immediately. After that, I was not only shocked but confused. However, when I became closer to these people, I realized and admired their courage to insist this trip. At first, I was afraid that I may hurt them because of the wheelchair-misuse error. But when I tried my best to help, I found that it was not that hard as I thought before. The more I talked to them, the more I learned from them. They can do everything just like us, such as dance, swim, and ski. However, for me, I rarely make a good use of my time to do what I plan to do. Through their experiences, I get to know more about them. Besides, the most important thing is that I have more courage to fulfill my dream. They are not just optimistic about life but also make it more actively. By their smile and share, I learned a totally different attitude towards life.
本來以為這個體驗營的活動會因為颱風而取消,沒想到負責人在前一天打電話來說:「就算是颱風天也要風雨無阻的前進。」讓我對這活動開啟了不一樣的期待。預料之中的是一大早出門就是大雨,預料之外的是原來前一天打電話給我的負責人本身也是身心障礙者,這讓我對於「風雨無阻」那四個堅定的字眼有更不一樣的印象。從一開始的膽怯因為害怕自己的不熟悉操作輪椅傷害他們,到後來可以跟他們哈哈大笑的聊天,透過這個活動,與其說是我在幫他們,不如說是他們讓我學到了很多跟想像中、課本中不一樣的東西。 看見他們的樂觀,聽見他們的分享,說出他們的經驗,很多對我們應該是輕而易舉、稀鬆平常的事情,他們得到的感受卻是比我們多出好幾倍的快樂跟知足:妳說妳去了日本滑雪還去了澳洲;你們夫妻倆說你們一早就先去游泳才來這個活動報到;你們笑語間透露出學國標舞的樂趣甚至不吝嗇的當場表演;當我們志工自我介紹時,妳拿起化到一半的眉筆跟我們揮揮手…等。想起自己規劃要去哪些國家卻一個也還沒實現,立志要早起去運動而不是睡到起來吃早午餐,學過國標舞也不敢在眾人面前表演過…等,看他們面對自己想做的事情,那種行動力是我自嘆不如的,更重要的是,看他們面對人生的態度,我覺得那比任何技能都重要。時晴時雨的天氣其實把淡水裝飾的很浪漫,你們爽朗的笑聲跟分享更是見證這一場活動的不可或缺的角色。謝謝你們讓我有機會參加這個活動,因為你們讓我有機會看到不一樣的世界。