Today pretty much consisted of the same projects as the day before, one group was to stay in the Eden area and do some charity selling but of course with different items. Then the other half was to work their magic charms and bring in customers to the gas station. Today I spent my day with the group that was to stay at the gas station. It was a pretty fulfilling day, but just like a normal business, it had its high and low moments when it came to customers.
The way the volunteers worked is that a small group was to stand on the street corner and hold up the signs that they made to call the attention to customers. Then the other group would stand but the gas pumps and either introduce themselves to the customers and give them small gifts or they would introduce themselves and pump the gas with the help of the regular workers. Then after a certain amount of time, the groups would switch.

They all looked like they were having a great time, from my observation, it also seemed like the workers also had a great time getting to know the Up with People volunteers. Some more than others were very interested in learning more about the volunteers and asking them questions in English as best as they could. When there was a problem with communication they tried their best to show what they are talking about or they would ask the Taiwanese volunteers.
Even without the volunteers, it was great to see them interacting without worrying about language barriers. The customers seemed really interested in meeting the volunteers and learning about where they come from.

Until next time!!
Jasmin Nunez