12 May 2011 marked the third anniversary of Sichuan Earthquake in China. Eden’s staffs in 512 Hope Sheltered Workshop organized a memorial activity together with Hong Kong Red Cross for earthquake survivors.
The activity started with three minutes of silent prayer for families and friends who lost their lives. We then share our memories of the devastating disaster, the challenges we have to face today, and the vision for the future. After sharing, trainees wrote their hopes for the future on origami cranes and stars
One of the trainees in the 512 Hope Sheltered Workshop, Ms Liang, shared: “My job today is to live my life well everyday!” As a matter of fact, most of the earthquake survivors are thankful and cherish their blessings after surviving the disasters. Although Eden is playing a role of helper, nevertheless our staffs are inspired by the earthquake survivors’ strength and their view on life. One trainee said: “I used to play mahjong when I had time. However, now I spend my time with my children and family. Not only I work Eden’s Sheltered Workshop, I am now learning embroidery. My life today is busy but fulfilled!”
Disaster can’t be predicted, but we can make every moment of our life meaningful. Earthquake survivors in Sichuan, indeed, have taught us a lot about life.

EDEN's Ideal:“We are brothers without the same flesh and blood. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” EDEN's Mission: Serving the Weak to Witness Christ, Promoting Gospel and Welfare to Bring People to God. EDEN Vision: Wherever there is a need, there is an answer from Eden.
2011年5月17日 星期二
2011年5月15日 星期日
Learning from the Earthquake Survivors in Sichuan, China!
Ms. Liang, an earthquake survivor and a trainee in Eden's 512 Hope Sheltered Workshop, folded an origami crane to commemorate the Sichuan Earthquake on 12 May 2008. |
12 May 2011 marked the third anniversary of Sichuan Earthquake in China . On this day, Eden ’s staffs in 512 Hope Sheltered Workshop in Sichuan organized a memorial activity together with Hong Kong Red Cross for earthquake survivors.
The activity started with three minutes of silent prayer for families and friends who lost their lives. We then shared our memories of the devastating disaster, the challenges for today, and our vision for the future. After sharing, trainees made origami cranes and stars and wrote their wishes on them. Heart-shaped circles of origami cranes and stars were formed later on, signifying that our hope for the future remains.
Ms Liang, one of the trainees in the 512 Hope Sheltered Workshop said: “My job today is to live my life well everyday!” As a matter of fact, most of the earthquake survivors are thankful and cherish their blessings after surviving the disaster. Although Eden is playing a role of helper, nevertheless our staffs are inspired by the earthquake survivors’ strength and their view on life. Another trainee said: “I used to play mahjong when I had time. However, now I spend my time with my children and family. Not only I work in Eden ’s Sheltered Workshop, I am now also learning embroidery. My life today is busy but fulfilled!”
Disasters can’t be predicted, but we can make every moment of our life meaningful. Earthquake survivors in Sichuan , indeed, have taught us a lot about life.
2011年5月14日 星期六
針對受害者協助的「連接點 – 詳細指導意見」
Connecting the Dots -- Detailed Guidance
Click here to download the full document "Connecting the Dots" in PDF.
Click here to download the full document "Connecting the Dots" in PDF.
It is widely recognized that few survivors of incidents caused by landmines or explosive remnants of war, including cluster munitions, are fully included in all aspects of society. In most developing countries emerging from, or affected by conflict, the same can be said of the broader population of persons with disabilities in which many survivors can be included. However, over the last decade or two, there has been a global upsurge of awareness around the rights of survivors and other persons with disabilities. As a result of such awareness and activism to promote survivors' and disability rights, there has been progress to address this exclusion through three distinct but closely related international treaties. Together, these three treaties create an important legal framework, or legal toolkit, to defend the rights and promote the inclusion of survivors and other persons with disabilities.
The first of these three treaties was the Mine Ban Treaty (MBT) or the Ottawa Convention, which is formally known as the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. Entering into force in 1999, the MBT is the first global disarmament treaty that binds each State Party "in a position to do so" to "provide assistance for the care and rehabilitation, and social and economic reintegration of mine victims…"
The language of the treaty itself, in regards to victim assistance, is fairly broad and imprecise. However, through subsequent action plans, States Parties to the MBT have committed to achieve concrete actions to enhance the assistance provided to survivors and to develop the means to monitor progress in implementing these actions. At the end of 2009, States Parties agreed to the second and most recent of these, the Cartagena Action Plan 2010-2014 (CAP). This Plan sets the stage for implementing victim assistance in line with recent developments in human rights, such as the adoption and implementation of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), which entered into force on 1 August 2010, is also a disarmament treaty banning the use of another class of indiscriminate weapons. It was developed taking into consideration the lessons learned from the MBT and Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities processes and contains stronger provisions on rights-based victim assistance. As stated by the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC), "the CCM ensures the full realization of rights of all cluster munition victims by obligating states, in accordance with applicable humanitarian and human rights law, to adequately provide assistance, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, and provide for their economic and social inclusion."
Compliance with victim assistance measures included in the CCM is compulsory and States Parties are required to report on their progress in fulfilling victim assistance obligations, unlike the MBT, where reporting on victim assistance obligations is voluntary. In November 2010, States Parties to the CCM agreed on the Vientiane Action Plan (VAP), which defines roles and responsibilities and sets out concrete and measurable steps, actions and targets to be completed within specific time periods for the implementation of victim assistance obligations of the Convention.
2008年3月3日,聯合國身心障礙者權利公約生效,顯示身心障礙已是全球重視的人權議題。聯合國祕書長稱讚這一天為「歷史性的一刻,我們努力實現全人類的世界人權,並建立一個包容的社會」。批准身心障礙者權利公約的國家接近 100 個。這些國家開始建立新法律和政策以提升身心障礙者的權利,並且發展落實公約義務的機制。
On 3 May 2008, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) entered into force, signaling a global recognition of disability as a human rights issue. The UN Secretary General hailed this day as a "historic moment in our quest for realization of the universal human rights for all persons, creating a fully inclusive society for all." Ratifications of the CRPD are now nearing 100. Countries are beginning to put new laws and policies in place to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and are developing mechanisms to implement the treaty's obligations.
While the treaties originate from different contexts, either disarmament or human rights, all three share the goal of promoting the full inclusion of survivors and other persons with disabilities within society. The principles and components of victim assistance, as outlined in the Action Plans of the MBT and in the CCM, correspond to the human rights of persons with disabilities as enumerated through the CRPD. For example, a State's obligation to provide a landmine or cluster munition survivor with appropriate medical care corresponds to the CRPD's Article 25 which recognizes that persons with disabilities have the right to the highest attainable standard of health without discrimination.
For each of these treaties, States Parties and civil society have designed a set of implementation tools; there is a core group of organizations and governmental agencies that are actively promoting them; and international monitoring mechanisms exist to track implementation progress.
使這些法律框架發揮最大功能的關鍵是連結這三個公約的主題、議題、締約者、機構。連接點 – 詳細指導意見這份文件的目標是透過說明三個重要主題:生還者與身心障礙者的可親近性、就業與教育,以加強受害者協助。
The key to making the most of these legal frameworks is the strategic connection between the themes, issues, stakeholders, mechanisms across the three treaties. The document Connecting the Dots - Detailed Guidance aims to enhance victim assistance by illustrating the importance of three themes, accessibility, employment and education for survivors and persons with disabilities within the frameworks of these treaties.
All persons with disabilities, among them landmine and cluster munitions survivors, face barriers to inclusion in society. The CRPD focuses on the rights of persons with disabilities. The MBT and CCM include obligations to assist survivors. Though one is a human rights treaty, and the other two disarmament treaties with humanitarian assistance obligations, all three have something to say regarding these barriers to inclusion. Applying the CRPD helps enhance the rights-based components of victim assistance. At the same time, the disarmament treaties and the common understandings that grew around them put an emphasis on the availability and affordability of services for survivors, wherever they live.
To make the most of the three treaties it is necessary to take steps both to improve victim assistance and to promote the broader rights of persons with disabilities. The following pages provide a practical guide to making such connections.
We have also used other documents that offer guidance on best practices when implementing these treaties as starting points, such as the CAP, the Recommendations on Implementing the CAP presented by the Co-Chairs of the MBT's Standing Committee on Victim Assistance in 2009, and the VAP.
l 概述此三個公約的一般連結。
l 探索公約所關注身心障礙者與生還者,他們的可親近性、就業與教育三個主題之間的連結,這能加強受害者協助的實現與提昇身心障礙者的權利。
l 為此三個主題提供政策和實務經驗差距的案例。
l 如何透過倡議、政策和立法讓這三個公約和行動計畫能夠在國家的層級施行。
This guide will:
l Outline the general connections between the three treaties;
l Explore the connections between the treaties around each of the three thematic areas of accessibility, employment and education which can both enhance the implementation of victim assistance and the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities;
l Provide examples of gaps in policy and practice experienced in these same three thematic areas;
l Look at how these treaties and their action plans can be applied at the national level through advocacy, policy and legislation.
Finally, Annex A, parts I and II, takes a deeper look at accessibility and presents a case study from Uganda to provide guidance on how to tackle barriers to implementation, based on the experience in promoting accessibility in their countries gained by landmine and cluster munition survivors. Annex B shows current treaty status of relevant states with survivors.
We hope that this guide will help both non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governments better understand how they can use these three treaties to make progress in implementing victim assistance.連結網址:http://www.icbl.org/index.php/icbl/Library/News-Articles/Work/VA-guidance-document
2011年5月2日 星期一
ICBL&CMC Taiwan Campaign Activity - Awareness-raising in Campus
On 22 April, 2011, Eden Social Welfare Foundation was invited to give a lecture on- The Role of ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines) and CMC (Cluster Munition Coalition) in Promoting Global Human Rights- Global Civil Society’s Monitoring Mechanism at Taipei Medical University (TMU).
Last year, Eden gave a lecture on anti-landmine and cluster munitions in TMU and Eden was once again invited this year. In TMU’s lectures, Eden shared latest global campaign news and raised awareness about 1997 Mine Ban Treaty and the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. This year, we attracted more than 30 students and faculty staffs to attend the lecture. Most of the audience has medical background; many international students also attended. Speakers were Serena Chang and Paul Chun from Eden Social Welfare Foundation, the ICBL’s campaigner in Taiwan.

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