On 22 April, 2011, Eden Social Welfare Foundation was invited to give a lecture on- The Role of ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines) and CMC (Cluster Munition Coalition) in Promoting Global Human Rights- Global Civil Society’s Monitoring Mechanism at Taipei Medical University (TMU).
Last year, Eden gave a lecture on anti-landmine and cluster munitions in TMU and Eden was once again invited this year. In TMU’s lectures, Eden shared latest global campaign news and raised awareness about 1997 Mine Ban Treaty and the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. This year, we attracted more than 30 students and faculty staffs to attend the lecture. Most of the audience has medical background; many international students also attended. Speakers were Serena Chang and Paul Chun from Eden Social Welfare Foundation, the ICBL’s campaigner in Taiwan.

The lecture started with a short presentation on Eden’s work in promoting disability welfare both in Taiwan and abroad, then addressed the humanitarian concerns resulting from global problems of antipersonnel landmine and cluster munitions. Real life stories of survivors and the challenges they face today were highlighted. The presentation also put emphasis on civil society’s role in making difference. In particular, it addressed the success of ICBL and CMC’s global advocacies to make the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions become binding international laws and legal tools to protect basic human rights. Civil society’s efforts to monitor the two conventions through the initiative of Landmine and Cluster Munitions Monitor were also discussed, followed by a presentation on Taiwan’s present situation with regards to these two inhuman weapons.

Following this, we also encouraged all participants t to take active role in civil societies and work together for the humanitarian movement. For that reason, Eden organized an activity: “Hands up! Sign the petition!” The activity is held into two parts: the first named “
Raise Hands, Mines & Cluster Bombs can be banned!” Participants declared for fully support a global ban on Mines and cluster bombs via signing on a card. The second part “
Recycle Bin for landmines in Taiwan” is to call on participants to support the amendment to the Taiwan Antipersonnel Landmines Regulations Act. Participants were requested to sign on a landmine-shaped petition card, to urge Taiwan authorities take action to implement a complete ban as required by the Mine Ban Treaty by destroying all stockpiles and prohibit the use of landmines in all circumstances, including wartime. The activity was welcomed and well participated in this TMU lecture.
