2011年6月2日 星期四

[Campaign to ban landmine in Taiwan]Eden visited Matsu in May

Eden Social Welfare Foundation visited Matsu (Lienchiang County), one of the two mined offshore islands in Taiwan from 24 to 25 May. This is the first time that ICBL members ever visited the island.

Massive antipersonnel landmines were laid on the rocky cliff shorelines of Matsu to prevent the invasion of troops from Mainland China, caused damages to Matsu residents, prevented community developments and hindered ecological protection. The purposes of the trip were to collect first-hand information for Landmine Monitor research project and to advocate for mine-ban issues.

Eden’s representatives were received by Legislator of Lienchiang County, Mr. Tsao Erh-Chang and the County Magistrate Mr. Yang Sui-sheng. In-dept interviews were conducted with County officials, the demining unit within Matsu Defense Command, village and township heads and representatives, and landmine survivors. Strong support for mine-ban movements has been expressed by Legislator Tsao and County Magistrate Yang.

Group Photo after visit, from left to right:
Ms. Jiang Yi-Xing, the graduate school student of Human Rights Master Program, Soochow University.
Mr. Paul Mengche Chun, Taiwan Landmine Monitor researcher and Coordinator of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Mr. Yang Sui-sheng, the Magistrate of Lienchiang County (Matsu). 
Mr. Tsao Erh-chang, Legislator of Lienchiang County.
Mr. Wang shih-chien, the Commissioner of Department of Civil Affairs, Lienchiang County (Matsu).
According to the Ministry of National Defense, the demining for the total 154 registered minefields has been completed early this year. However, during the interviews, local heads and representatives suspected that some areas were not registered as minefields according to the military record and landmines might still remain. The demining unit responded that further detection and examination for the suspected area is planned in the near future to ensure that Matsu will be mine-free before 2003, the legal demining deadline in Taiwan.

In addition, Eden’s representatives organized an awareness-raising activity in a local primary school. More than 30 students joined this activity. Through games, presentations and other creative methods, students developed an understanding on the international humanitarian law and would like to show their support for the mine-ban movements by drawing.

Group photo after awareness-raising activity at Lienchiang Country Tangchi Elementary School.
