2013年5月7日 星期二

Eden E-news: No. 6 | April 2013

 Special Report: Workshop on International Classification of Functioing, Disability and Health

In the conference, Dr. Fougeyrollas and Dr. Sato give in-depth
presentations on the different approaches with which the
government of Canada (Quebec) and Japan apply or modify the
concept of ICF.
On 25th March, 2013, Eden Social Welfare Foundation cooperated with The League of Welfare Organizations for the Disabled in the international exchange program, Proud to Be Myself-Challenges and Response to the New Identification System, where professionals from various fields were invited from Japan, Canada (Quebec), and Taiwan to share their experience in the implementation of ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health), approved by World Health Organization.
A congregation of distinguished guest speakers presenting in the conferece includes Dr. Patrick Fougeyrollas, Directeur de l’enseignment et du soutien scientifique, Dr. Hisao Sato, Professor at Japan College of Social Work, Dr. Heng Hao Chang, Professor at National Taipei University Department of Sociology, as well as governmental representatives of Taiwan's Ministry of the Interior Department of Health and the Department of Social Affairs. Read more here.

Eden Donates 100 Wheelcahirs to Rural Nepal

Eden's staff member from Taiwan assists first-time
users of wheelchairs in villages of Nepal.

In late March, the emblem of Eden Social Welfare Foundation is proudly observed in the mountains of rural Nepal, where Eden’s two staff members from Taiwan traveled thousands of miles and donated a total of 100 brand new wheelchairs to local villagers with disabilities. Staff members at Eden have been working incessantly on the project since 2012 after learning from our fellow ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines) campaigner in Nepal the dire need for wheelchairs among the country's rural residents with disabilities.
Eden Social Welfare Foundation would also like to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and our local allies from Women Development Society in Nepal for their assistance with this wheelchair donation project. The project marks Eden's first success with its international work in Nepal and would not have happened without their help.
Along with the 100 wheelchairs donated to Nepal, Eden also donated 200 wheelchairs to persons with disabilities in Vietnam around the same time after the country's many previous successes in receiving wheelchair donations from Eden. The final cost of Eden's most recent attempt to donate a total of 300 wheelchairs to Nepal and Vietnam amounts to approximately USD 31,000. Read more here.

An Exchange of Accessible Housing Ideas with Eden and Hong Kong PHAB Association

On 25th March, 2013, Hong Kong PHAB (physically handicapped and able-bodied) Association calls on Eden Social Welfare Foundation for a tour of Eden’s accessible housing project in New Taipei City. Staff representatives of the hosting and visiting organization have both benefitted a lot from the face to face exchange of firsthand experience in accessible housing. Read more here.
*Caption: Ms. Jin Jin Chang (front row left), Specialist at Eden, shares with Mr. Kenny So, Asssitant Manager of Hong Kong PHAB Association, her professional experience in the field of accessible housing and her expectations of the industry's future development in Taiwan.

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Eden Social Welfare Foundation
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