EDEN's Ideal:“We are brothers without the same flesh and blood. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” EDEN's Mission: Serving the Weak to Witness Christ, Promoting Gospel and Welfare to Bring People to God. EDEN Vision: Wherever there is a need, there is an answer from Eden.
2010年12月10日 星期五
Call for Papers: the 4th International Conference on Accessible Tourism, 2011
The 4th International Conference on Accessible Tourism (ICAT) will be held on 11-13 April, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. ICAT is now calling for papers. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 February, 2011.
Asia Pacific Disability Forum(APDF) and Eden Social Welfare Foundation are delighted to welcome you to attend the 4th International Conference on Accessible Tourism (ICAT) at NTUH International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan.
As every country around the world actively promotes tourism, many elders with mobility challenges and persons with disabilities also want to enrich their lives through travel experiences in domestic and foreign countries. The targeted market of accessible travel is very broad. In addition to persons with disabilities , pregnant women, infants, children, and senior citizens also need “accessible” vacations.
We are grateful to the international and local experts and speakers for sharing their expertise, knowledge and perspectives. We are thankful to all delegate for their interest and support for the conference. Like you, we are looking forward to sharing experiences and discussing market development opportunities.
For further information: http://icat2011.eden.org.tw/index-e.html
2010年12月6日 星期一
BAN CLUSTER BOMBS!! Read Dtar's story...
Source: Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC)
Dtar, Laos
“One day in 2003 I took my two boys down to the river to go fishing. I found a cluster bomb in the water and picked it up because I wanted to use it as an explosive, to blow up in the river so that we could catch more fish. But it went off in my hands and blew off my arms.
Now we are getting poorer because I lost both my arms and I can’t work to support my family.
I’m lucky at least, because they sorted me out with one artificial arm. My right arm was blown right off by the explosion and they had to amputate my left arm twice, because it was infected after the first amputation, so they had to cut it off higher up.
The bomb also blew up right in my face and eyes. I couldn’t see anything. My sight was blurry until I went to hospital again in 2005, when my relatives had saved up enough money again to pay for the operation.
My wife and the family earn all the money to support us now. One of my sons had to leave school so that he could help my wife. He’s only 15. I help as I can. I look after the vegetables and sweep the house. I help my wife in the fields a bit but I am not much use.”
Now we are getting poorer because I lost both my arms and I can’t work to support my family.
I’m lucky at least, because they sorted me out with one artificial arm. My right arm was blown right off by the explosion and they had to amputate my left arm twice, because it was infected after the first amputation, so they had to cut it off higher up.
The bomb also blew up right in my face and eyes. I couldn’t see anything. My sight was blurry until I went to hospital again in 2005, when my relatives had saved up enough money again to pay for the operation.
My wife and the family earn all the money to support us now. One of my sons had to leave school so that he could help my wife. He’s only 15. I help as I can. I look after the vegetables and sweep the house. I help my wife in the fields a bit but I am not much use.”
“2003年的某一天,我帶著兩個兒子到河邊釣魚。我在水中發現ㄧ個集束炸彈(cluster bomb),我把它撿起來想在河中爆破,用來捕更多的魚。但是集束炸彈從我手中滑落,炸掉了我雙臂。”
迪塔 (Dtar), 寮國
Love and Hope are the Power for us to Promote Human Rights...
Please Ban the Cluster Bombs and Landmines with us!!
Eden Social Welfare Foundation
Governments Urged to Eliminate Landmines Within Years, Not Decades
Excerpt from International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) official website.
Governments Urged to Eliminate Landmines Within Years, Not Decades
Tenth annual meeting of Mine Ban Treaty opens in Geneva
Geneva, 29 November 2010 -- Sustained political engagement and financial support is needed is to overcome the global landmine problem, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) said today at the opening of an annual meeting of the 1997 treaty banning antipersonnel landmines.
"The threat posed by landmines is still urgent, but it is also a finite problem that can be resolved if governments remain committed until all mined areas are cleared, all survivors enjoy the rights and economic possibilities available to others, and all stockpiles are destroyed," said Sylvie Brigot, executive director of the ICBL. "Much progress has been made over the past decade, but governments need to keep up the energy to achieve the goal of a mine-free world."
The Tenth Meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty will be held at the United Nations in Geneva from 29 November to 3 December 2010. Representatives from most of the 156 governments that have joined the treaty are expected to attend, as well as China, Russia, the United States and other observer delegations from the 39 states that have not joined the treaty. An ICBL delegation of more 120 campaigners from 33 countries, including landmine survivors, is participating in the meeting.
"This meeting must address a range of implementation issues if the Mine Ban Treaty is to be fully realized," said Eva Veble, Head of the Mine Action Unit at DanChurchAid. "States Parties and all stakeholders should look at how they can make a more efficient and effective use of available resources to get the job done, and how they can ensure even closer cooperation."
Issues of concern for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines at the meeting include:
- Six mine-affected states parties-Chad, Colombia, Denmark, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania and Zimbabwe-have indicated that they will not be able to complete clearance of their mined areas within the ten-year treaty-mandatory deadline and have requested deadline extensions for the meeting to decide on.
- Four States Parties that collectively stockpile over 10 million antipersonnel mines-Belarus, Greece, Turkey and Ukraine-have missed the treaty-mandated four-year deadline for destroying their landmine stockpiles and are now in violation of the Mine Ban Treaty.
- More than a decade after ratifying the Mine Ban Treaty, Venezuela is the only mine-affected State Party that has not yet started clearance operations.
- The United Kingdom was granted a 10-year mine clearance deadline extension in 2008 but is not fulfilling part of its terms. It finished clearance of three mined areas, as planned, but has not announced any further plans to clear the remaining 113 mined areas.
- There are highly disturbing allegations that members of the armed forces of Turkey (a State Party to the treaty) used antipersonnel mines in 2009. These are currently the subject of a legal investigation.
- Accessibility of victim assistance services declined in 2009 in seven States Parties-Afghanistan, Angola, Chad, Colombia, DR Congo, Guinea-Bissau and Jordan.
- Only 9% of international funding for mine action goes to victim assistance, a woefully insufficient amount. The majority of countries still do not provide assistance based on the number of survivors and their needs.
- At the meeting, States Parties will consider how to encourage more sustainable international cooperation and assistance. The ICBL calls on donor to provide multi-year funding, to enable states to implement clearance and victim assistance plans in a predictable, sustainable way.
- For the second year in a row, the United States will attend the meeting as observer. It has been one year since the US announced that it would begin a formal review of its landmine policy, but no decision on joining the treaty has been made.
Media contact
Amelie Chayer, Communications Officer (In Geneva, GMT +1)
Email: media@icbl.org
Mobile: +41 78 728 53 20 or +33 6 89 55 12 81
Amelie Chayer, Communications Officer (In Geneva, GMT +1)
Email: media@icbl.org
Mobile: +41 78 728 53 20 or +33 6 89 55 12 81
Adopted in 1997, the Mine Ban Treaty entered into force on 1 March 1999. The treaty comprehensively bans all antipersonnel mines, requires destruction of stockpiled mines within four years, requires destruction of mines already in the ground within 10 years, and urges extensive programs to assist the victims of landmines.
Adopted in 1997, the Mine Ban Treaty entered into force on 1 March 1999. The treaty comprehensively bans all antipersonnel mines, requires destruction of stockpiled mines within four years, requires destruction of mines already in the ground within 10 years, and urges extensive programs to assist the victims of landmines.
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines is a global network in over 90 countries, working for a world free of antipersonnel landmines. In 1997, the ICBL received the Nobel Peace Prize together with its founding coordinator Jody Williams for its efforts to bring about the Mine Ban Treaty.
Additional information is available in Landmine Monitor 2010:
日內瓦, 2010 年12月1日—全球地雷問題需要持續的政治參與及財務支持才能得以解決,國際反地雷組織(the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, ICBL) 於本周舉行的1997年禁止人員殺傷性地雷公約年度締約國會議中表示。
「地雷所帶來的威脅仍舊急迫,但是地雷是可以解決的問題:只要各國政府持續承諾解決地雷問題,直到所有雷區得以清除、所有雷傷者得以與其他人同享同等的的權利及經濟可能性、以及所有的地雷庫存得以銷毀。」ICBL執行長席薇﹒畢麗葛 (Sylvie Brigot),如此表示。「過去10年中已有顯著進展,但是各國政府仍須保持精力來達到無雷世界的目標。」
「如果要全面落實禁雷公約,此次的會議必須要提出各樣的公約實踐相關議題」,丹麥教會援助機構(DanChurchAid) 的地雷行動處(Mine Action Unit)處長伊芙﹒葳柏 (Eva Veble),如此表示。「締約國以及其他的相關單位必須檢示如何可以更加有效率及更有效能地使用已有的資源來完成工作,以及如何促進更加緊密的合作關係。」
中國,如同往年,以觀察員身分參加此次會議。日內瓦時間11月29日,中國表示「認同《公約》的宗旨和目標」。根據「2010地雷監督」(Landmine Monitor 2010),中國曾表示「渥太華公約在人員殺傷性地雷所造成的人道問題上扮演一個重要及正面的角色」,但中國在過去數年中表示中國仍未能加入公約。過去,中國曾是世界上最大的人員殺傷性地雷生產者以及出口者,並且一般相信中國目前擁有全球最多的人員殺傷性地雷庫存。
*只有9% 的國際地雷行動(mine action)基金注入雷傷者援助工作,而這樣嚴重不足的資金令人遺憾。大部分的國家仍未能在考量雷傷者的數目以及他們需要上提供援助。
Amelie Chayer, Communications Officer (In Geneva, GMT +1)
Email: media@icbl.org
Mobile: +33 6 89 55 12 81
Serena Chang, (中文)
(12月1- 3日:日內瓦GMT+1;12月6日後:台北,GMT +8)
Email: ieden.info@gmail.com
Mobile: +886-911-028-025;
Office Phone: +886-2-2578-4515 # 207 (12月6日後)
禁雷公約(the Mine Ban Treaty) 於1997年通過,並於1999年3月1日生效。此公約全面地禁止使用人員殺傷性地雷,要求於四年內銷毀所有地雷庫存,於10年內銷毀所有已被埋入地下的地雷,並且要求廣泛的計畫協助雷傷者。
國際反地雷組織(the International Campaign to Ban Landmines)是超過90多個國家全球性網絡,致力於促成一個沒有殺傷性地雷的世界。1997年,ICBL與創始者茱蒂﹒威廉斯獲得諾貝爾和平獎,肯定在推動禁雷公約的努力。
日內瓦聯合國舉行第10屆禁雷公約締約國會議 伊甸基金會擔任台灣代表
照片右方女士為伊甸基金會‧國際暨兩岸發展中心的張心蕙專員;照片左方女士為國際反地雷組織(International Campaign to Ban Landmines, ICBL)主持「地雷與集束彈藥監督)」(Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor)的計畫主持人 Ms. Jacqueline Hansen。
國際反地雷組織(the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, ICBL)如同往年組成代表團與會,由全球33個國家、共120多個會員組成,其中包括許多雷傷者;伊甸基金會則是ICBL唯一的台灣會員,也是唯一與會的台灣代表,參與監督各締約國政府對於公約的施行狀況,並倡議、爭取非締約國加入公約。
根據「2010年地雷監督」報告指出,台灣因國際地位無法簽署禁雷公約,但經過伊甸基金會多年來在台的倡導、進而推動立法,終於在2006年通過「殺傷性地雷管制條例」,明定政府須於期限內完成排雷,並提供未來產生的雷傷者賠償措施,同時禁止製造、轉移人員殺傷性地雷,惟並未全面禁止該項武器的使用及儲存。然而,台灣在排雷工作上則持續進展,台灣離島金門與馬祖受地雷影響的土地約3.5 平方公里,2010年已清除1.57 平方公里。
「地雷監督」計劃主持人賈桂琳.韓森(Jacqueline Hansen) 於11月中訪台時表示,台灣排雷工作的進展成果,對於國際反地雷運動造成頗大鼓舞,但盼望台灣可以進一步全面禁雷,逐漸朝無雷世界的目標邁進。
禁雷公約(the Mine Ban Treaty) 於1997年通過,並於1999年3月1日生效。此公約全面禁止使用人員殺傷性地雷,要求於4年內銷毀所有地雷庫存、10年內銷毀所有已被埋入地下的地雷,並且要求訂定協助雷傷者的廣泛計畫。
國際反地雷組織(the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, ICBL)是超過90多個國家的全球性網絡,致力於促成一個沒有殺傷性地雷的世界。1997年,ICBL與創始者茱蒂.威廉斯獲得諾貝爾和平獎殊榮,肯定其在推動禁雷公約的努力成果。
2010年12月2日 星期四
Eden cordially invited Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor to visit Taiwan
Eden Social Welfare Foundation cordially invited Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor to visit Taiwan
At the invitation of Eden Social Welfare Foundation, Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), visited the minefields in Kinmen, Taiwan on November 14, 2010 for the latest update on demining progress.
Kinmen, one of Taiwan’s outlying islands, lies only a few kilometers offshore from mainland China, thus making it an area of immense strategic importance. In the 1950s and 1960s, Kinmen was a frontline area when the Republic of China and the Chinese Communist regime were at war. This led to the construction of extensive minefields along the coast of Kinmen. And currently these minefields still pose a threat to residents’ safety and constraints to local economic development.
Ms. Serena Chang, Taiwan Landmine Monitor researcher and Specialist of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Ms. Toby Schwartz, Deputy Director, General Relations of Canadian Trade Office in Taipei.
Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor.
Col. Chao Chung-Kun, Chief of the Army Demining Division, Ministry of National Defense.
Advocated by Eden, Taiwan’s “Antipersonnel Landmines Regulations Act” was passed by The Legislative Yuan (the national legislature) and came into effect in 2006. The Act requires the Ministry of National Defense to complete clearance of all mines by 2013. With thorough planning and specific implementation of the demining work, the military and contracted commercial mine-clearing companies have to date cleared 60% minefields in Kinmen. Through a briefing by the Army Demining Division and an inspection visit to the minefields, Taiwan’s demining efforts and determination towards peace were not only presented in front of Ms. Hansen but also shown to the whole world.
Col. Chao Chung-Kun, Chief of the Army Demining Division, Ministry of National Defense.
Mr. Wang Ching-Wu, Director General of Corporation Aggregate Kinmen County Association for the Welfare of the Disabled.
Mr. Wang Shui-Ying, Director of Corporation Aggregate Kinmen County Association for the Welfare of the Disabled.
Mr. John Bosco Kuang, Director of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Ms. Toby Schwartz, Deputy Director, General Relations of Canadian Trade Office in Taipei.
Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor.
Ms. Chen Chang Li-Yu, Taiwanese landmine survivor.
Mr. Li Shi-Sheng, Taiwanese landmine survivor and Founder of Corporation Aggregate Kinmen County Association for the Welfare of the Disabled.
Ms. Serena Chang, Taiwan Landmine Monitor researcher and Specialist of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Later the same day, Eden invited Ms. Hansen to join an anti-landmine declaration ceremony, during which a pile of single shoes was built in remembrance of those who lost their lives or limbs in landmine accidents. Taiwanese landmine survivors Mr. Li Shi-Sheng and Ms. Chen Chang Li-Yu were invited to express their expectations towards mine clearance in Kinmen. Col. Chao Chung-Kun, Chief of the Army Demining Division, expressed his sympathy for the injured survivors and said all efforts would be made to complete the demining mission as scheduled.
韓森女士指出,現行台灣的管制條例仍允許軍方在戰時使用人員殺傷雷,但依《禁雷公約》(The Mine Ban Treaty)的精神是要求在任何情況下都不再使用,因此期望政府單位能再把管制條例修改完善。另外,韓森女士也希望台灣藉過去推動管制條例的經驗,順應《集束彈藥公約》(Convention on Cluster Munitions)於國際間實行之趨勢,推動國內禁用集束彈藥(子母彈)的法案成立,使得非人道武器在世界上消失。
While acknowledging Taiwan’s demining efforts, Ms. Hansen noted that Taiwan’s “Antipersonnel Landmines Regulations Act” currently still permits stockpiling, as well as the use of antipersonnel mines when it is imperative during war. She hoped the authorities would take action to implement a complete ban as required by the Mine Ban Treaty. In addition, Ms. Hansen also wished that the mine-ban movement experiences in Taiwan could assist in promoting the establishment of a national ban on cluster munitions in accordance with Convention on Cluster Munitions, enabling the worldwide elimination of inhumane weapons.
Photo in the Forum, from left to right:
Mr. Yao, Meng-Chang, Professor of Graduate Department of Law, Fu Jen Catholic University.
Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor.
Ms. Serena Chang, Taiwan Landmine Monitor researcher and Specialist of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Ms. Toby Schwartz, Deputy Director, General Relations of Canadian Trade Office in Taipei.
Ms. Hansen addressed the issues of landmine and cluster munitions to Taiwan’s officials when visiting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Legislative Yuan on November 15 in Taipei City, she also spoke in the Eden-organized forum ”Eradicate Landmines to Plant Seeds of Hope” at Soochow University. In her speech,
Ms. Hansen shared with the attendees her extensive experiences in ICBL and her work in connecting global researchers to monitor the two international humanitarian laws, hoping to inspire civil society to contribute to world peace.
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