2010年12月2日 星期四

Eden cordially invited Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor to visit Taiwan

Eden Social Welfare Foundation cordially invited Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor to visit Taiwan

伊甸基金會於1997年加入國際反地雷組織(ICBL),成為台灣唯一會員,以「愛無國界」的精神捐贈輪椅至世界上因地雷致殘者,並擔任國內反地雷議題倡議以及法案推動之工作。於20101114日,伊甸邀請ICBL計畫下「地雷與集束彈藥監督」之計畫主持人,賈桂琳韓森女士(Ms. Jacqueline Hansen)訪台,安排前往金門雷區訪視,關心台灣最新的排雷情形;15日前往外交部及立法院拜會倡議,並於校園舉辦專題演講。也感謝國防部於金門雷區簡報之安排,外交部與加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處之贊助,使此次韓森女士的行程得以平安完成,倡議工作得以順利拓展。
At the invitation of Eden Social Welfare Foundation, Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), visited the minefields in Kinmen, Taiwan on November 14, 2010 for the latest update on demining progress.  

Kinmen, one of Taiwan’s outlying islands, lies only a few kilometers offshore from mainland China, thus making it an area of immense strategic importance. In the 1950s and 1960s, Kinmen was a frontline area when the Republic of China and the Chinese Communist regime were at war. This led to the construction of extensive minefields along the coast of Kinmen. And currently these minefields still pose a threat to residents’ safety and constraints to local economic development.  

Group Photo after the presentation, from left to right:
Ms. Serena Chang, Taiwan Landmine Monitor researcher and Specialist of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Ms. Toby Schwartz, Deputy Director, General Relations of Canadian Trade Office in Taipei.
Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor.
Col. Chao Chung-Kun, Chief of the Army Demining Division, Ministry of National Defense.

Advocated by Eden, Taiwan’s “Antipersonnel Landmines Regulations Act” was passed by The Legislative Yuan (the national legislature) and came into effect in 2006. The Act requires the Ministry of National Defense to complete clearance of all mines by 2013. With thorough planning and specific implementation of the demining work, the military and contracted commercial mine-clearing companies have to date cleared 60% minefields in Kinmen. Through a briefing by the Army Demining Division and an inspection visit to the minefields, Taiwan’s demining efforts and determination towards peace were not only presented in front of Ms. Hansen but also shown to the whole world.

Group Photo with the shoe pile, from left to right:
Col. Chao Chung-Kun, Chief of the Army Demining Division, Ministry of National Defense.
Mr. Wang Ching-Wu, Director General of Corporation Aggregate Kinmen County Association for the Welfare of the Disabled.
Mr. Wang Shui-Ying, Director of Corporation Aggregate Kinmen County Association for the Welfare of the Disabled.
Mr. John Bosco Kuang, Director of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Ms. Toby Schwartz, Deputy Director, General Relations of Canadian Trade Office in Taipei.
Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor.
Ms. Chen Chang Li-Yu, Taiwanese landmine survivor.
Mr. Li Shi-Sheng, Taiwanese landmine survivor and Founder of Corporation Aggregate Kinmen County Association for the Welfare of the Disabled.
Ms. Serena Chang, Taiwan Landmine Monitor researcher and Specialist of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.

Later the same day, Eden invited Ms. Hansen to join an anti-landmine declaration ceremony, during which a pile of single shoes was built in remembrance of those who lost their lives or limbs in landmine accidents. Taiwanese landmine survivors Mr. Li Shi-Sheng and Ms. Chen Chang Li-Yu were invited to express their expectations towards mine clearance in Kinmen. Col. Chao Chung-Kun, Chief of the Army Demining Division, expressed his sympathy for the injured survivors and said all efforts would be made to complete the demining mission as scheduled.

韓森女士指出,現行台灣的管制條例仍允許軍方在戰時使用人員殺傷雷,但依《禁雷公約》(The Mine Ban Treaty)的精神是要求在任何情況下都不再使用,因此期望政府單位能再把管制條例修改完善。另外,韓森女士也希望台灣藉過去推動管制條例的經驗,順應《集束彈藥公約》(Convention on Cluster Munitions)國際間實行之趨勢,推動國內禁用集束彈藥(子母彈)的法案成立,使得非人道武器在世界上消失。
While acknowledging Taiwan’s demining efforts, Ms. Hansen noted that Taiwan’s “Antipersonnel Landmines Regulations Act” currently still permits stockpiling, as well as the use of antipersonnel mines when it is imperative during war. She hoped the authorities would take action to implement a complete ban as required by the Mine Ban Treaty. In addition, Ms. Hansen also wished that the mine-ban movement experiences in Taiwan could assist in promoting the establishment of a national ban on cluster munitions in accordance with Convention on Cluster Munitions, enabling the worldwide elimination of inhumane weapons.  

Photo in the Forum, from left to right:
Mr. Yao, Meng-Chang, Professor of Graduate Department of Law, Fu Jen Catholic University.
Ms. Jacqueline Hansen, Program Manager of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor.
Ms. Serena Chang, Taiwan Landmine Monitor researcher and Specialist of International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center, Eden Social Welfare Foundation.
Ms. Toby Schwartz, Deputy Director, General Relations of Canadian Trade Office in Taipei.

Ms. Hansen addressed the issues of landmine and cluster munitions to Taiwan’s officials when visiting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Legislative Yuan on November 15 in Taipei City, she also spoke in the Eden-organized forum ”Eradicate Landmines to Plant Seeds of Hope” at Soochow University. In her speech,
Ms. Hansen shared with the attendees her extensive experiences in ICBL and her work in connecting global researchers to monitor the two international humanitarian laws, hoping to inspire civil society to contribute to world peace. 
