EDEN's Ideal:“We are brothers without the same flesh and blood. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” EDEN's Mission: Serving the Weak to Witness Christ, Promoting Gospel and Welfare to Bring People to God. EDEN Vision: Wherever there is a need, there is an answer from Eden.
2011年3月31日 星期四
伊甸基金會2011 ICAT國際志工大募集!!
本會即將於2011年4月11日(一)至4月14日(四)舉辦「第四屆無障礙旅遊國際研討會」(2011 ICAT),會議主題為「友善生活圈帶動國家發展」,大會活動包括無障礙旅遊體驗行程、專題研討、友善生活旅遊展等,會議內容非常豐富精彩。歡迎大家踴躍參與本次會議!與國內外超過200名NGO代表共襄盛舉,一同認識、瞭解與推動無障礙旅遊各項議題,為身心障礙者、高齡長者、兒童、孕婦等需要之族群創造一個方便無障礙的旅遊環境!更多第四屆無障礙旅遊國際研討會的資訊請參考大會官方網站:http://icat2011.eden.org.tw/
本會同時致力於邀請大專院校青年加入此次會議國際志工之行列,希望藉由此次參與國際會議之洗禮,培育國內青年和國際社會互動的能力!懇盼青年們發揮主動參與公共事務的志工精神,讓各國外賓體驗台灣青年的熱情與活力!非常歡迎大家擔任本次2011 ICAT的國際志工喔!!
2011年3月30日 星期三
ICBL Member Handicap International Receives Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize
2011年3月15日 希爾頓基金會宣布,國際反地雷組織成員「國際身心障礙組織」將獲得2011希爾頓人道獎,並頒予獎金150萬美元。在九零年代早期,國際身心障礙組織是國際反地雷組織的共同創立者,該組織是全球最具規模為身心障礙者倡議並提供支援的非政府組織。他們的服務包括清除地雷、提供義肢、心理支持、經濟支持和在地工作人員培訓。
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希爾頓基金會副主席與希爾頓人道獎理事Judy M. Miller、國際身心障礙組織執行長Jean-Baptiste Richardier,希爾頓人道獎評審委員之一的印度公主Aga Khan 和雷傷者Mom Sok。 攝影:Eric Roset / 國際身心障礙組織 |
The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation announced on 15 March 2011 that ICBL member Handicap International will receive the 2011 Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize of US$1.5 million. A co-founder of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines in the early nineties, Handicap International is the world's largest non-governmental organization providing assistance and advocacy for people with disabilities. The organization's services range from clearing landmines to providing artificial limbs, psychological and economic support and training of local staff.
國際身心障礙組織執行長,博士Jean-Baptiste Richardier表示「獲得希爾頓人道獎是很大的榮譽,也是再次強調我們為世界上最邊緣與弱勢群體服務的集體責任。」、「從現在開始,我們處於更有利的位置,來說服捐贈者關心因意外而成為最弱勢的族群,並確保該族群長期全面性的發展是常態而不是特例」。博士Jean-Baptiste Richardier和Claude Simonnot同樣是國際身心障礙組織原始創辦人之一,Claude Simonnot已於2004年退休。
"Receiving the Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize is a great honor and underscores our collective responsibility to serve the world's most marginalized and vulnerable people," said Dr. Jean-Baptiste Richardier, CEO of Handicap International and one of the original founders along with Claude Simonnot who retired from the NGO in 2004. "We will, from now on, be in a much stronger position to convince donors to include the most vulnerable from the onset of an emergency and to ensure that long-term inclusive development for all becomes the norm rather than the exception."
希爾頓基金會頒發每年度全球最大的人道獎給減少人類痛苦有卓越成就的非營利組織。國際身心障礙組織由獨立評審委員會選為2011年得主。希爾頓基金會副主席、希爾頓人道獎理事Judy M. Miller和希爾頓人道獎評審委員之一的印度Salimah Aga Khan公主在瑞士日內瓦招待會上宣佈人道獎得主,招待會上聚集國際外交官、人道主義領導者和政府官員。
The Hilton Foundation presents the annual award, the world's largest humanitarian prize, to an organization that is doing extraordinary work to alleviate human suffering. Handicap International was selected for the 2011 Prize by a prestigious independent international jury. Judy M. Miller, Vice President of the Hilton Foundation and Director of the Hilton Prize, and Princess Salimah Aga Khan, a member of the Hilton Prize jury, announced the winner at a reception for international diplomats, humanitarian leaders and government officials in Geneva , Switzerland .
Judy M. Miller在希爾頓基金會的新聞稿表示「在社會上身心障礙者是最弱勢的一群,國際身心障礙組織致力於改變大眾對待身心障礙者的態度。」
"Those who have been disabled are the most vulnerable in societies and Handicap International has transformed the way the world deals with this overlooked and underserved group," said Judy M. Miller in a press release issued by the Hilton Foundation.
2011年正式頒獎禮,將在4月13日 的全球公益慈善論壇舉行,地點在加洲紅木市。
The official 2011 Prize Award Ceremony will take place during the Global Philanthropy Forum in Redwood City , California , on 13 April 2011.
More information:
Handicap International's press release // Communiqué de presse Handicap International // Hilton Foundation's press release
Handicap International's press release // Communiqué de presse Handicap International // Hilton Foundation's press release
About Handicap International
Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Handicap International works alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. http://www.handicap-international.org/
About the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation was created in 1944 by international business pioneer Conrad N. Hilton, who founded Hilton Hotels and left his fortune to help the world's disadvantaged and vulnerable people. Following selection by an independent international jury, the Foundation annually awards the $1.5 million Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize to a nonprofit organization doing extraordinary work to reduce human suffering. http://www.hiltonfoundation.org/
What is a Landmine?
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伊朗型號YM-1的爆破型人員殺傷性地雷。J. Rodsted攝影。 An Iranian YM-1 blast antipersonnel mine. Photo: J. Rodsted |
Antipersonnel landmines claim victims in every corner of the globe each day. Incapable of distinguishing between the footfall of a soldier and that of a child, they remain a threat long after the end of a conflict.
Antipersonnel landmines are explosive devices designed to injure or kill people. They lie dormant for years and even decades under, on or near the ground until a person or animal triggers their detonating mechanism. Antipersonnel mines cannot be aimed: they indiscriminately kill or injure civilians, soldiers, peacekeepers and aid workers alike.
Made of plastic, metal or other materials, they contain explosives and some contain pieces of shrapnel. They can be activated by direct pressure from above, by pressure put on a wire or filament attached to a pull switch, by a radio signal or other remote firing method, or even simply by the proximity of a person within a predetermined distance.
When triggered, a landmine unleashes unspeakable destruction. The blast causes injuries like blindness, burns, destroyed limbs and shrapnel wounds. Sometimes the victim dies from the blast, due to loss of blood or because they don't get to medical care in time. Those who survive and receive medical treatment often require amputations, long hospital stays and extensive rehabilitation.
踩到爆破型人員殺傷性地雷無可避免的會造成腳或腿的傷害,常常也因為會感染而需要截肢。破片地雷會射出許多金屬碎片,造成受難者巨大的傷害。跳雷則具有更強大的殺傷力:它們會騰起大約一公尺 的距離然後爆炸,大範圍地射出金屬碎片。
Stepping on a blast antipersonnel mine will invariably cause foot and leg injuries, and secondary infections usually resulting in amputation. Fragmentation mines project hundreds of metal fragments, showering the victim with deep wounds. Bounding fragmentation mines are more powerful versions: they spring up about 1 meter and then explode, firing metal fragments to a large radius.![]() |
型號MM-1的破片地雷(上)與MM-2爆破型人員殺傷性地雷(下)。「緬甸防衛產品工業」所製造的地雷,由孟加拉與緬甸邊境的反叛軍所挖出。Nonviolence Intl攝影。 An MM-1 fragmentation antipersonnel mine (upper) and an MM-2 blast antipersonnel mine (lower). Myanmar Defense Products Industries mines lifted by insurgents on Bangladesh-Burma border. Photo: Nonviolence Intl |
The Mine Ban Treaty defines an antipersonnel mine as: "a mine designed to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person and that will incapacitate, injure or kill one or more persons." (Article 2.1)
Landmines are everywhere. According to Landmine Monitor, 66 states and seven areas not internationally recognized are confirmed or suspected to be mine-affected.
Nobody knows how many mines are in the ground. But the actual number is less important than their impact: it can take only two or three mines or the mere suspicion of their presence to render a patch of land unusable.
2011年3月25日 星期五
Eden Social Welfare Foundation in Taiwan join the March Action on US for campaigners
On March 10, 2011, Eden Social Welfare Foundation, a disability NGO and the only member of ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines) in Taiwan, organized a meeting with American Institute in Taiwan (AIT, the de facto American Embassy in Taipei) to urge the U.S. to join the Mine Ban Treaty.
2011年3月10日,在台灣為身心障礙者服務,同時也是國際反地雷組織(International Campaign to Ban Landmines, ICBL)於台灣唯一會員的伊甸基金會,安排了一場與美國在台協會(AIT, the de facto American Embassy in Taipei)的會面,為的是敦促美國加入禁雷公約(the Mine Ban Treaty)。
This is a global mobilization of the ICBL members and campaigners around the world to act in concert. The Nobel Peace Prize-winning, ICBL seized the occasion of the of the Mine Ban Treaty entry into force in 12th anniversary to call on the United States to ban antipersonnel landmines immediately. Campaigners will meet with U.S. ambassador in their own countries. The number of countries up to date is 58 as campaigners are taking action.
The AIT referred our request to Ms. Deanna Kim, the Political Section Officer of AIT. Ms. Kim is working on issues of human rights and has met other colleagues of Eden before. We therefore invited Ms. Kim to visit Eden’s sheltered coffee in Taipei and enjoyed bakery and drinks prepared by our staffs with disabilities. We had a nice one-hour meeting on mine-ban issues.
AIT由政治組的官員金玲女士(Ms. Deanna Kim)代表與我們會面,金女士投入於人權議題並曾與伊甸有過交流。因此,我們邀請金女士於伊甸在台北的庇護性咖啡屋會面,享用由伊甸身心障礙員工製做的餐飲。彼此對於反地雷的議題進行一小時良好的互動。
We introduced Eden’s work in mine ban campaign to Ms. Kim. We told her that Eden has been donating wheelchairs to landmine survivors and raising mine-ban awareness in Taiwan over 15 years. Eden has successfully pushed the Taiwanese government to implement “the Anti-personnel Landmine Regulations Act”, which requires the government to demine within seven years and the military has made significant progress on demining. There is one step away from making Taiwan to fully comply with the Ottawa treaty: to destroy stockpiles and to fully ban the use of landmines in any circumstance.
我們向金女士介紹伊甸在台灣超過15年的反地雷運動,如捐贈輪椅至雷傷生還者以及提升台灣的反地雷意識。並且伊甸成功地使政府通過” 殺傷性地雷管制條例”,要求政府必須在7年內排雷完成,而目前軍方在排雷已有重大的進展。但因為台灣並無規定銷毀儲存的地雷以及任何情況下不再使用地雷,使我們距離渥太華公約(即禁雷公約)仍有一步之遙。
We went on explaining that the ICBL has organized a global campaign to urge the US government to accede to Mine Ban Treaty. With a smile, Ms. Kim asked why the ICBL campaigners around the world “pick on us.” “Why not Russia, or China?” she asked.
We told her that our colleagues around the world have been advocating mine-ban treaty in every country, including Russia and China. However, among the word’s super powers, US government is making the most significant progress, and we really hope that the US government can lead the trend of banning AP landmines among super powers. We also expressed that, since there is a close military link between Taiwan and the US, we hope that the U.S. would stop using and stockpiling anti-personnel landmines as a role model for Taiwanese Government. And we hope this change in US mine policy can have an influence on Chinese government’s mine policy and have a positive impact on cross-strait stability.
Ms. Kim replied that every government, including Taiwanese government, should make its own policy choice. She also expressed her strong disagreement on our speculation that the US government’s accession to the treaty would have an impact on Beijing’s policy making. However, she stated that the US is on the track to a total ban and is happy to lead the trend. From the humanitarian aspect, the US has stopped using the dumb mines, and is the leading donor in mine action. From diplomatic aspect, the US government has started to attend MSP. All these show positive trend towards our cause.
金女士回覆道,包括台灣在內的每個政府都應作出自己的政治選擇。她也表達反對的看法對於我們推測由美國政府加入公約來影響北京的政策制定。但是她表示美國在全面禁雷已上軌道,並樂意引領這趨勢。從人道主義方面來看,美國已停止使用舊式地雷(dumb mines)以及在反雷行動中成為主要的捐助國。從外交方面,美國政府已經開始參加公約締約國會議。這些對於我們的目標都展現正向的趨勢。
When being asked when the review of US landmine policy would accomplish, Ms. Kim said that there is no specific deadline. She said she doesn’t know what the obstacle is, but probably it’s the concern for national security. We shared with her our view that the mine policy in both Taiwan and the US are indeed very similar. Both countries do not use the landmines anymore but refuse to destroy stockpiles because of concern for national security. Therefore, the same argument we talked to our own military might apply to the US military: if eventually all these legacy landmines will be desolate and will have to be destroyed, why don’t we destroy now in exchange for great political gain? Ms. Kim felt this argument quite compelling. She also agreed that civil society’s action would make differences to the government; especially mine-ban campaign got strong support from the US Senate.
At the end of the meeting, we asked Ms. Kim to pass our message and ICBL materials to the Department of State, in Washington DC. (When we followed up with Ms. Kim few days later, she already passed the materials back to Department of State). In addition, since she is transferring very soon, she recommended the contacts of her substitutes (Political Military Officer and Human Right Officer) in AIT. At the end of the meeting, we presented Ms. Kim a copy of Landmine Monitor Report and the Chinese-version of Taiwan Landmine Monitor Report 2009. Before she left, she was shortly briefed by our passionate colleagues in our sheltered store about our vocational training and employment program for persons with disabilities, and she hoped to bring her friends to visit our sheltered coffee again!
2011年3月23日 星期三
(London , 18 March 2011)
The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) urges all countries that have joined the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) to help ensure that cluster munitions are not used by states that have not yet joined the Convention in any military action in Libya .
UN Security Council resolution 1973 calls on states to take all measures to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas. Any use of cluster munitions would run contrary to purpose of the resolution, as cluster munitions have been well documented to cause predictable harm to civilians in every conflict in which they have been used.
All States Parties to the CCM have a legal obligation to implement the Convention and promote its norms, including discouraging States not Party to the Convention from using cluster munitions, as stated under Article 21 of the Convention. The CMC calls on all states that have joined the Convention on Cluster Munitions to urge States not Party to the Convention to explicitly rule out any use of cluster munitions in military operations in Libya .
At the First Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions that took place in Vientiane, Lao PDR, States Parties reiterated their obligations under the Convention by adopting the 2010 Vientiane Action Plan, which urges all States Parties to “discourage in every way” any use of cluster munitions. The CMC also calls on Libya not to use any of its stockpile of cluster munitions, and to join the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
2011年3月20日 星期日
Israel Should Clear All Minefields, Join the Mine Ban Treaty
2011年3月16日 ,日內瓦
Israel :Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor
Geneva, 16 March 2011
今天,諾貝爾和平獎得主國際反地雷組織表示,以色列的地雷危機將會持續到所有雷區排除和政府當局禁止使用地雷為止。以色列國會於2011年3月14日 通過立法,將清除以色列「非軍事行動」雷區,但保持「軍事行動」雷區。國際反地雷組織贊同這項立法,但是認為不管在非軍事行動雷區或軍事行動雷區,任何地雷對人民都是潛在威脅。
The landmine hazard in Israel will remain until all mined areas are cleared and the government bans any new use of mines, said the Nobel Peace Prize laureate International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) today. The Knesset adopted on 14 March 2011 legislation that plans for Israel's "non-operational" mined areas to be cleared, while "operational" mined areas will be kept. The ICBL welcomes this legislation as a first step, but notes that any landmine is a potential threat for civilians, be it in an operational minefield or not.
國際反地雷組織執行長Sylvie Brigot說「考慮以色列大部份的雷區將被排除,這項新立法是正確的決定。但是該立法未達到國際標準:全面禁止使用人員殺傷性地雷,並排除所有雷區。」「以色列人民非常清楚人員殺傷性地雷的破壞性。該政府應該正式禁止地雷的使用,並加入禁雷公約以確保排除所有雷區,不再造成任何新的受害者。」
"By allowing for the vast majority of Israel 's mined areas to be cleared, the new legislation is a step in the right direction. But it falls short of the international norm that fully rejects any antipersonnel mine use and calls for all mined areas to be cleared," said Sylvie Brigot, Executive Director of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. "The Israeli people know all too well the devastating effects of antipersonnel mines. Israel should formally renounce the use of these horrific weapons and join the Mine Ban Treaty to ensure all mined areas will be cleared and mines won't claim any new victims."
Among its shortcomings, the legislation does not require that international humanitarian standards be applied to all mine clearance activities.
"We celebrate the success of civil society in convincing the government to systematically address the landmine threat. But we strongly encourage the use of internationally recognized humanitarian demining standards instead of the less rigorous military demining standards permitted by the legislation," said Dhyan Or, Coordinator of the Mine-Free Israel Campaign, a member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. "This would ensure a higher confidence rate that every effort has been made to clear contaminated areas to the fullest extent possible, especially at sites frequented by thousands of civilians."
The ICBL calls on Israel to show that it is truly committed to eliminating the threat of mines in Israel and elsewhere by joining the Mine Ban Treaty. As a step in this direction, the ICBL encourages the government and its new Mine Action Authority to start attending meetings of the Mine Ban Treaty beginning in June this year.
國際反地雷組織執行長Sylvie Brigot補充「透過多數國家皆會出席的會議,以色列不僅會遵守禁止使用地雷的承諾,以避免非人道的傷害,更會展現實際行動與政策以達最大的改善。」
"By joining the majority of the world's states at these meetings Israel will not only demonstrate its commitment to ending the humanitarian harm caused by these weapons, but it will also be exposed to the best practices and policies which will greatly improve its efforts," added Brigot.
More than 80 percent of the world's nations have joined the Mine Ban Treaty since it was adopted in 1997. According to the ICBL's Landmine Monitor 2010, the only country where governmental forces have actively laid antipersonnel mines in recent years is Myanmar/Burma. Throughout the world, intense humanitarian mine clearance efforts are underway. Under the Mine Ban Treaty, states must renounce use of antipersonnel mines, destroy their stockpiles of the weapon, clear all their mined areas, and provide comprehensive assistance to landmine survivors.
The ICBL is a network in over 90 countries and areas, working for a mine-free world, where landmine survivors can lead fulfilling lives. The ICBL received the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of its efforts to bring about the Mine Ban Treaty.
國際反地雷組織工作人: Amelie Chayer
(位於日內瓦,標準時間 +1)
行動電話:+33 6 89 55 12 81
Amelie Chayer, Communications Officer, ICBL (In Geneva, GMT +1)
email : media@icbl.org
mobile : +33 6 89 55 12 81
Amelie Chayer, Communications Officer, ICBL (In Geneva, GMT +1)
email : media@icbl.org
mobile : +33 6 89 55 12 81
更多以色列地雷資訊:Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor
Facts and figures on the landmine situation in 原文連結:http://www.icbl.org/index.php/icbl/Library/News-Articles/Universal/pr-16march2011
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