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安哥拉經濟培力方案。攝影師:Giovanni Diffidenti An economic empowerment project in |
Firoz Ali Alizada 身為國際反地雷組織條約執行人員,同時也是一位雷傷者,表示「在社會上,地雷與集束彈藥生還者不僅僅是貢獻者,還得是活躍的貢獻者,而非被動的受助者」,「協助地雷與集束彈藥受害者關乎人權,政府應該與受害者合作,致力於增進相關認知與促進受害者權利。」
"Landmine and cluster munition survivors can and should be active contributors to their societies, not passive aid recipients," said Firoz Ali Alizada, Treaty Implementation Officer at the ICBL and a landmine survivor himself. "Victim assistance is a matter of human rights, and governments should work with survivors to increase awareness and promote these rights."
In the context of the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions, victims include anyone who, individually or collectively, has suffered physical, emotional and psychological injury, sustained economic loss or had their fundamental rights substantially impaired due to the use of landmines or cluster munitions. This includes all those injured or killed by the weapons, as well as their families and affected communities.
The past year has seen three major advances in the international legal framework that obliges states to provide crucial assistance to persons with disabilities, namely:
1、2009年12月3日 ,第二次禁雷公約 (1997) 審查會議,共156個國家代表,宣布「卡塔赫納行動計畫」,目標是推動五年期以權利為基礎的受害者協助方案。
On 3 December 2009, the Second Review Conference of the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, which has 156 states parties, issued the Cartagena Action Plan, which aims to ensure that rights-based victim assistance initiatives improve over the next five years.
2、2008年5月3日 生效的「聯合國身心障礙者權利公約 (UNCRPD)」,自 2009 年開始施行,包括多數地雷與戰爭遺留爆炸物生還者的國家。
In 2009, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which entered into force on 3 May 2008, began to be implemented, including in several states with significant numbers of survivors of landmines and explosive remnants of war.
3、2010年8月1日 生效的集束彈藥公約 (2008),在2010年11月12日 舉行第一次會議,宣布永珍 (寮國首都) 行動計畫,決定將聯合國身心障礙者權利公約中以權利為基礎的受害者協助義務轉為實際行動。
On 12 November 2010, the first meeting of the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, which entered into force as binding international law on 1 August 2010, issued the Vientiane Action Plan to translate the Convention's strong rights-based victim assistance obligations into concrete actions.
「在最近幾年,政策與計畫的進展加強了受害者協助,但是地雷與戰爭遺留爆炸物生還者表示他們的日常生活並沒有任何改善。生還者權利與武裝暴力受害者協助協會是全球反集束彈藥聯盟與國際反地雷組織的成員,並以英國人為主要成員。該協會聯絡人Nerina Cevra 表示「在最近幾年,政策與計畫的進展加強了受害者協助,但是地雷與戰爭遺留爆炸物生還者表示他們的日常生活並沒有任何改善。」、「政府需要有更多的措施來填補落差,並使受害者生活有真正的改善。」
"In recent years, progress has been made on policies and plans to improve victim assistance, but survivors of landmines and explosive remnants of war say their daily lives haven't changed much," said Nerina Cevra, Coordinator of Survivor Rights & Victim Assistance at Action on Armed Violence, a UK-based member of both the CMC and the ICBL. "Governments need to do more to close this gap and make a real difference in the lives of survivors."
The CMC and ICBL recommend five priority areas for governments to concentrate their victim assistance efforts, including improvements in:
1、協助方案需考量受害者的社會經濟需求:例如,成為社會上具生產力的一員, 並積極融入社會。受害者視這點為最重要的項目。
Socio-economic inclusion: (i.e. being a productive member of the community and fully participating in community life). Survivors themselves identify this as the top priority.
Accessibility: Too often, services are not accessible to those who most need them, either because they are offered only in city centres, because they are too expensive for survivors to afford, or because there are physical barriers to access for people with disabilities, including landmine and cluster munition survivors.
Inclusion: Governments must ensure survivors are actively involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of victim assistance programmes.
Resource mobilisation: Victim assistance programmes need adequate financial, technical and human resources that are both long-term and sustainable. Governments should address the needs of all survivors by allocating national resources and asking for international cooperation and assistance where necessary.
Reporting: States must make every effort to collect information on casualties and assess the needs of survivors in order to provide adequate assistance.
For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact:
日內瓦代表:Amelie Chayer (可用法語、英語溝通)
電話:+41-78-728-5320 或是 +33-6-89-55-12-81
In Geneva , Amelie Chayer (French, English): +41-78-728-5320; or +33-6-89-55-12-81; or media@icbl.org
西班牙代表:Conor Fortune (可用西班牙語、英語溝通)