2011年3月17日 星期四

iReport Award: UXO + Ho Chi Minh trail - 1st chance for govts. to destroy cluster bombs worldwide

iReportCNN網頁上由讀者撰寫的新聞頁面,iReport AwardCNN獎勵 iReport優良作品所頒布的獎項。其包含了即時新聞類、原創報導類、引人注目影像類、評論類、個人故事類與面訪類六大類。此篇報導為原創報導類得主。

未爆彈藥 + 胡志明小徑


SamBolton 報導
Posted by: SamBolton

 iReport —
Nearly 40 years after the end of the Vietnam war, Laos is still contaminated with 80 million unexploded bomblets from cluster bombs. These indiscriminate weapons remain active and continue to kill for years after they are used. Over 30 countries around the world are affected.

This week in Vientiane, Laos PDR, representatives from over 110 governments and 400 civil society organizations will agree on a 65 point concrete plan for the next five years.

This is the first time since the weapons were banned,  governments now have the opportunity to turn legal words into concrete action to destroy stockpiles, clear land and assist victims.

The treaty banning cluster bombs became binding under international law on August 1st,2010.

It is estimated that 20,000 people have been killed since the end of the Vietnam war in Laos from unexploded ordnance. Nobody knows how many have been injured.

A cluster bomb can be cleared in a day, but a cluster bomb victim needs help for life.

更多資訊:http://ireportawards.cnn.com/nominees/9 www.stopclustermunitions.org www.ccm1msplaos.la 

For more information go to :  http://ireportawards.cnn.com/nominees/9 or www.stopclustermunitions.org or www.ccm1msplaos.la
