演出時間:2011年12月27日星期二晚上 19:30
演出團體:Beautiful Mind Music Academy、伊甸喜樂盲人合唱團、伊甸喜恩盲人合唱團
韓國Beautiful Mind 音樂學院的身心障礙學生,今年首次跨出國界,來台灣傳遞美麗與希望。他們將與台灣伊甸基金會的視障合唱團,用音樂一起為生命的豐盛獻上讚美。
2011年12月,伊甸基金會與韓國Beautiful Mind(美麗心靈)首次相遇,“伊”見傾“心”。跨國的合作,為呼應今年聯合國國際身心障礙日的主題:“我們在一起,為了創造對每個人更好的世界:讓身心障礙著融入社會發展”。我們在一起,世界將因著我們的美麗,一見傾心。
* 音樂會結束後之自由奉獻及義賣將支持伊甸"行動服務計劃"中,海外身心障礙者輪椅及盲用手杖等輔具捐贈工作。
* 音樂會結束後之自由奉獻及義賣將支持伊甸"行動服務計劃"中,海外身心障礙者輪椅及盲用手杖等輔具捐贈工作。
"Love at First Sight" Concert
An end-of-year concert performed by persons with disabilities from Korea and Taiwan
Date/time: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 at 19:30
Beautiful Mind Music Academy Ensemble (Korea)
Eden’s Choirs for the Blind(Taiwan)
Grace Baptist Church (No. 90, Section 3, Hsin-Sheng South Road, Taipei; MRT Gongguan, Exit 3)
Free Admission
Seating Registration:
Phone: 02-5559-3628(please call us for group registration)
Registration Form Download
Fax: 02-2577-4828; email: ieden.info@gmail.com
December is a time for love, for sharing, and for celebration. For disability communities around the world, December is also a time to celebrate “International Day of Persons with Disabilities.” To share a message of love and hope, Eden Social Welfare Foundation will hold an end-of-year concert to celebrate the contribution of persons with disabilities in arts.
As a matter of fact, the Article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires a state party to take “appropriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to have the opportunity to develop and utilize their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of society.” We believe that, arts created by persons with disabilities can make our world even more beautiful.
Every year in December, Eden ’s Choir for the Blind organize special concert to celebrate the anniversary. This year, Eden invites music students from Beautiful Mind Music Academy from Korea to celebrate the choir’s 26th anniversary. 18 young musicians with disabilities from Korea will perform overseas for the first time with blind signers from Taiwan .
The theme of the concert this year is “Love at First Sight.” These two music groups join together for the first time. Many of our musicians, either from Korea or from Taiwan , are visually impaired. Still, they fall in love with one another as they are bounded by their common love for music.
This international cooperation project recalls the theme of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities this year: “Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development.” We believe that, when we stand up together to show to the world the beauty of persons with disabilities, we will make a better tomorrow for all.
* Free-will donations and charity sales at the end of concert will support Eden's "Mobility Service Project" to provide wheelchairs, white canes and other mobility devices for persons with disabilities overseas.
* Free-will donations and charity sales at the end of concert will support Eden's "Mobility Service Project" to provide wheelchairs, white canes and other mobility devices for persons with disabilities overseas.