2011年11月15日 星期二


Eden Joyful Choir for the Blind

Eden Joy & Grace Choir for the Blind



這麼多年來,他們憑著上帝的恩典與應許,走遍國內、海外巡迴演唱已達五千場,接觸四百萬人次,到過香港、新加坡、德國、法國、義大利、瑞士、馬來西亞、英國、西班牙、泰國、柬埔寨、美 國、加拿大、澳洲、中南美洲、中國大陸等地,深入各個教會、學校、醫院、監獄、育幼院、養老院、身心障礙機構、社會團體,唱出上帝所賜美妙的歌聲,鼓勵安慰心靈受傷、身體殘缺的人們。

Eden’s Choirs for the Blind

“Eden Joyful Choir for the Blind” was founded in 1985. For the past several years, they have performed in Taiwan and abroad, spreading love in schools, churches, hospitals, prisons, nursing homes, and orphanages. The singers use their wonderful voices to comfort broken hearts and helpless people. Over five thousand performances during the past several years have inspired more than 4,000,000 people to face their own lives with optimism. Recently, Eden established another two blind choirs: Joy & Grace Choir for the Blind and Praise Duet.

Just as Ms. Liu Hsia said, the purpose of Eden Joyful Choir for the Blind is “to use songs, artistic talents and laughter to tell people in the world that, even your eyes can’t see, there can still be light, love, and songs. Therefore, we always hold a light in our hearts. ” Eden Joyful Choir for the Blind has over-come various obstacles to create light in their hearts.

Eden’s Choirs for the Blind
