Beautiful Mind 音樂學院介紹
由韓國前外交部長擔任董事長的Beautify Mind Charity (BMC), 是一個尋求文化外交的韓國慈善團體,旨在透過多元文化交流活動分享愛給全球弱勢族群。BMC 於2007年由韓國外交及貿易部認可,在韓國正式成立。BMC 在美國及香港亦成立分會。BMC與全球藝術家合作,無論藝術家的身體狀況、種族、國籍,BMC試圖在文化藝術中尋求和平與團結。藉由海外慈善演奏會以及人道援助工作,BMC除了傳遞韓國文化,也散播人道關懷的種子。BMC 巡演的國家包括菲律賓、馬來西亞、蒙古、中國四川、俄國、西班亞、斯里蘭卡、以色列、巴勒斯坦等地。
2008年,BMC 成立了Beautiful Mind學院,並於2009年與忠武藝術廳合作,改制為Beautiful Mind 音樂學院。BMC提供韓國身心障礙兒童以及弱勢兒童提供一對一的音樂教育。希望藉由音樂活動以及探索音樂潛力,培養他們成為專業藝術家,並且幫助他們的內在成長,使他們有更好的情緒表達及社交技能。目前,Beautiful Mind 音樂學院的教師群由專業音樂家組成,提供特殊兒童管絃樂器、聲樂及韓國傳統樂器教學。2010年,Beautiful Mind 音樂學院室內樂團正式成立,不但使音樂造詣更加精進,也開始進行公開的演出,深獲好評。
Beautiful Mind Music Academy
Student Musicians:
裵成衍 (17 歲,廣泛性發展遲緩)
Sung-yeun Bae(17, Pervasive developmental disorder 2)
當Beautiful Mind 音樂學院第一次遇見裵成衍,他正為了音樂治療的緣故學習鋼琴。成衍的音樂治療師告訴我們如果他繼續學鋼琴,他的潛力可以使他成為一個偉大的鋼琴家。但是他的治療師擔心無法找到可以指導成衍的老師。
成衍進入中學時巧遇了Beautiful Mind 音樂學院,並認識了一位學院中可以提升他音樂成長的老師。在音樂學院裡,成衍改正了他的姿勢,並且學習如何在彈琴時專心。成衍長時間的苦練以及他的進步使他贏得了許多全國音樂比賽中的獎項,展現了他的真實的才華。
最近,成衍常被邀請演出;並且在今年10月,他邀請了許多人來參加他的第一個獨奏會。當他考上首爾藝術中學時,成衍也挑戰了其他非新障礙的學生。在成衍成為傑出的鋼琴家的成長過程中,成衍在Beautiful Mind 音樂學院中踏出了他成長的一小步,並逐漸朝向成為偉大鋼琴家的夢想邁進。
When Beautiful Mind Music Academy first met Sung-yeun Bae, he was learning the piano for music therapy purposes. Sung-yeun’s musical therapist told us that if he continues to play the piano, he has the potential to become a great pianist, but the therapist’s concern was whether there would be a teacher capable of teaching Sung-yeun.
Beautiful Mind Music Academy met Sung-yeun by luck when he entered middle school. Here, Sung-yeun was able to meet a teacher who could foster his musical growth. At the academy, Sung-yeun corrected his posture, and learned how to concentrate while playing the piano. Sung yeon’s long hours of practice and improvements were awarded at national music competitions where he received many prizes, proving his true talent.
Recently, he was invited to play at a concert, and in October, he invited many people to his first solo recital. He also challenged other non-disabled students as he pursued an entrance to the Seoul Arts High School . Sung-yeun is taking small steps with Beautiful Mind Music Academy , as he develops into a talented pianist, getting closer to his dream.
許至延 (22歲,視障以及廣泛性發展遲緩)
Ji-yeon Hur(22, Visually impaired and PDD)
Ji-yeon Hur(22, Visually impaired and PDD)
Beautiful Mind 音樂學院成為第一個通向至延夢想的道路。同時,音樂學院也成為至延家人們最大的禮物,殷切期盼至延的新夢想成真。在過去三年中,至延與Beautiful Mind 學院的ㄧ位老師學習古典吉他,她也持續成長成為一位撥動聽眾心弦、並給從未有勇氣追求偉大夢想的人們希望。
Beautiful Music Academy became the first pathway that opened Ji-yeon’s dream. As well, the academy was the biggest gift for her family, who could not hide their deep gratitude and enthusiasm toward Ji-yeon’s new dream. For the last three years, Ji-yeon has been learning classic guitar from one of the teachers at Beautiful Music Academy, and she continues to grow as an artist who touches the hearts of her audience and who gives hope to those who never dared to dream big.
金太煜 (11歲,視障)
Tae-uck Kim(11, Visually impaired 3 )
Tae-uck Kim(11, Visually impaired 3 )
Beautiful Mind 音樂學院與已經學習一年半的韓國傳統樂器伽倻琴的金太煜有特殊的淵源。太煜父親是韓國知名視障小提琴家金鐘勳,常在Beautiful Mind的音樂會中演出。
Violinist Jong-hoon Kim studied at the Berlin University of the Arts. He also placed third at the 32nd Dong-A Music Competition and recently has performed at the Carnegie Hall as the first chair violonist of the Heart Chamber Orchestra for the Blind. Jong-hoon Kim went through five surgeries, cataract surgery and glaucoma surgery, eight months after he was born.
Tae-uck is the first child, and although it was saddening for Jong-hoon to receive the news that his son is visually impaired as well, Tae-uck was born with musical abilities, and his bright attitude towards life proves that Tae-uck’s life is already brightly shining. Currently, Tae-uck is pursuing his dream, with the support and love of his family and academy teachers, to become a talented gayageum player.
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Beautiful Mind Charity