2010年9月27日 星期一

Entries Extended to Nov 20, 2010 - IYV+10 Volunteer Video Competition

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the UN International Year of Volunteers (IYV +10), we are inviting volunteers and volunteer-involving organization to submit creative short (30-60 second) videos showing their visions for how to make the world a better place through volunteering.

The year 2011 will be the tenth anniversary of the UN International Year of Volunteers. Known as “IYV+10” the anniversary should be another important milestone in the development of global volunteering, and the international volunteer movement. 

In the decade since the United Nations launched the International Year of Volunteers in 2001, at the global level, there have been a number of important advancements in the field of volunteerism: every one of the billions of people, who gives up their time to volunteer, becomes part of a grand movement that is much bigger than the sum of the parts.

To celebrate IYV+10, we are calling on young volunteers, or young volunteer teams, to create short films that advertise the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers. Your video can show your volunteer work, your motivations for volunteering, your hopes and visions for 2011, it can inspire other people to volunteer, or any number of other things.

★ Contest Entry, Video Theme, and Contestants
Contest Entry Deadline: November 20, 2010(registration form postage date)

Video Theme: "Volunteering to Change the World" (also the theme of the IAVE World Volunteer Conference 2011 in Singapore)

Contestants: Youth volunteers (aged 30 or below), or volunteer-involving teams with at least one youth member.

For further information, please visit http://iave.org/video

Any questions or comments? Please email at video@iave.org

★ Organizers: IAVE International Resource Center / IAVE Taiwan ★
★ Sponsors: National Youth Commission of the Executive Yuan, Taiwan / IAVE ★
★ Supporting Organizations: NYC Taipei Youth Volunteer Center ★

國際志工協會 IYV+10 志工短片創作比賽


自聯合國宣布2001年為國際志工年(International Year of Volunteers, IYV)的這十年間,超過120個國家共同響應;由全球37個國家志願服務的統計資料顯示,共動員了超過一億四千萬名志工,共同做出了超過四千億美元經濟效益的貢獻。

將你的志工行動化為一部短片,將你的志工大家庭介紹給全世界 -

為慶祝聯合國國際志工年十週年(the UN International Year of Volunteers plus Ten, IYV+10),我們邀請全球青年志工、志工組織創作30-60秒長度的短片,以「志願服務改變世界的力量」為創作主題,和全世界分享你/妳投入志願服務的行動與感動,以及對下一個 IYV+10 的期盼與鼓勵;同時,藉由你/妳的短片分享,號召更多的友伴參與、創造全球志願服務的奇蹟!



徵件主題:「志願服務改變世界的力量」(Volunteering to Change the World





IAVE IYV+10 宣傳影片:

若有任何比賽相關問題,歡迎 Email 至:video@iave.org;或致電:(02)3322-3167,趙小姐。