2008年9月3日 星期三







1. 順序譯法:有時候中英文的邏輯與時間表達的方式順序相同,此時就可以先以概念為單位,將長句切斷,依照原本的順序翻譯即可。但要注意形容詞的位置,英文通常是後位修飾,中文則採前位修飾。

Translation exercise: A. The rapid spread of the virus, which has now erupted in ten Asian countries and killed eighty people, prompted the World Health Organization and two other international organizations to ask for money and expertise to fight an all-out war against it. B. Research by many experts shows that in comparison with people under long-term pressure, those who regularly practice relaxation techniques make approximately half as many trips to the hospital, have 80% less chance of contracting heart disease, and 50% less chance of getting cancer.

2. 逆序譯法:中英文敘事方式相反時,採用逆序譯法。

因果關係: 英文先說結果,再交代原因或條件;中文相反

評論或辯論: 英文先說結論或評語,才加以闡述;中文相反


句子重點: 英文先交代重點,在陳述次要或輔助的概念;中文相反,中文習慣先點明事情發生的時間、地點、原因、條件,將來龍去脈交代清楚,也就是會將主要概念放在後面。

Translation exercise: A. Expectations were high that the days were over when people had to pull cumbersome suitcases up the steps of highway crosswalks, dive down underground walkways and climb staircases to platform areas. B. Our steps in space have been a symbol of this country’s way of life as we open our doors and windows to the world to view our successes and failures and as we share with all nations our discovery.

3. 分句譯法: 將長句中某些很難順譯的部分,也許是單字、片語或分詞構句,從主要子句中拉出來,另外翻譯成一句,可以放在句首或句尾,使得譯文通暢,其他部分則可以採順序譯法。

Translation exercise: A. He strongly believed that museums have the potential to inspire their audience, to open people’s minds – unusual in the current climate, where museums are often obsessed with showing “relevant” exhibitions and pulling visitors in by whatever means possible. B. When Jackson got drunk, he would beat his wife and children, and the next morning, with a headache, he would curse the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, his fellow artists.

4. 重組譯法: 若是進行英文中譯時,上述方法都無法達到行文流暢時,就要採用重組譯法。重組意即先將英文原意完全理解,再按照中文的敘事習慣與邏輯,重新排列組合,重組後的譯文,很難看出原文的語法結構與層次,可以使譯文脫離原文形式的束縛,擺脫翻譯腔。

Translation exercise: A. Led by Sammy Sosa, the Chicago Cubs outfielder who, together with Mark McGuire, dazzled U.S. fans this year in a dramatic home-run shootout, twenty-eight of America’s finest players invaded Japan for eight exhibition games in Tokyo, Fukuoka, and Osaka. B. Computer languages may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically acceptable to a wide range of computer. More translation exercise: 1. Melatonin(褪黑激素), a hormone used to prevent insomnia, became a craze a few years ago, when on the basis of studies with mice and rats, some researchers hailed it as a miracle cure for aging. 2. Although the rainfall has not been enough to help reservoirs in the region take in sufficient water, the weather, coupled with a 3 percent reduction in water supply to heavy users in the park, has helped them slow the pace of water evaporation. 3. There aren’t many museums like the British Museum, which has the ambition to represent the chronological length and cultural breadth of the collections of humankind. 4. At least 244 Muslim pilgrims were crushed to death and the same number injured in a human tide during a ritual at the climax of the annual pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia on Sunday. 5. In an effort to attract dieters, some McDonald’s restaurants in New York began displaying posters and brochures that show how the company’s products can fit into low-carbohydrate, low-fat and low-calorie meal plans. 6. The announcement that Hong Kong’s economy in the first quarter shrank more than 2.8% from a year earlier has shocked locals accustomed to the belief that the territory was an ever-evolving, unsinkable entrepot. (entrepot: 貨物集散地) 7. As they are on all trips and especially the long hauls, the flight attendants are trained to keep an eye out for passengers who aren’t handling the flight well: then the crew will engage them in conversation, offer then a drink or something to eat – all designed to lower the travelers’ stress level. 8. The success of the Harry Potter movie is used as evidence that a bunch of muggles are ruining their children’s ability to imagine for themselves what happens inside a book or tainting their desire to ever pick one up. (muggles:麻瓜,指不會巫術的凡人)
