2008年7月31日 星期四

Enjoy My Work - The 1st International CEO with Disabilities Symposium

People with disabilities (PWDs) can also become the elite in your corporation. Do you know about these facts? Nearly 30 people with hearing-impaired are able to work efficiently in dust-free rooms; People with cerebral palsy can also have steady working performance; Hiring a visually-impaired massage worker to provide massage service can help relieve the pressure of stock traders; And, PWDs with high pressure-resistance can be well competent for client services jobs. Eden Social Welfare Foundation has been continuously helping Corporate to build up brand image. This time, in order to break the myth of hiring PWDs, we specially invite Mr. Monthian Buntan, Thailand’s Upper House Senator, Board Member of the council of World blind Union (WBU), and Mr. Wang Jung-chang, Secretary-General of League Social Welfare Organizations in Taiwan, Secretary-General of the League of Welfare Organizations for the Disabled, to discuss the development tendency of human resource management from an international point of view and Taiwan’s present situation. Furthermore, we invite Corporate with PWD employees to share their experiences. We wish, through the symposium, we can help Corporate transformation to fulfill the CSR. Moreover, by discovering new possibilities for the human resource development and occupational training, Corporate will be able to re-plan social human resource and meet the International CSR standards. Host Organization: Eden Social Welfare Foundation Taipei Session: Taipei International Convention Center, Room 101 AB, 1:00pm-5:00pm, August 2nd (Sat.) Taichung Session: Windsor Hotel Taichung – Multipurpose Theater Hall/Conference Center,1:00pm-5:00pm, August 3rd (Sun.) Registration Registration Fee: 800 NTD (Free for persons with Disability Identification and members of Eden Social Welfare Foundation Website, Join Now!) Emailing/Fax: Please download and fill out the Registration Form then send to secretariat by email/ fax.Registration Deadline: July 25th 2008 Contact: Ms. Eileen Lu Tel: 02-2578-4515 ext.201Fax: 02-2578-3949 E-Mail:doia@eden.org.tw (Please specify Registration for PWD CEO International Symposium)Payment: Post Office DepositAccount No: 02022600187900 Account Name: Eden Social Welfare FoundationBank: EnTie Bank - Changlun BranchRemark:Registration for The 1st International CEO with Disabilities Symposium, Please fax or email us your receipt with the Registration Form and specify the participation date is 8/2 or 8/3 to complete the registration process. *For ATM transfer, please provide the last five numbers of your account. Note: 1.Refreshment will be provided 2.Registration begins at 13:00, please register and receive your symposium materials at the Reception Desk. 3.Please DO NOT brings food and drinks into the conference place, thank you for your cooperation. ★Good News: the top 100 people to register and pay the registration fee will receive the book “My Left Foot” by Prince Star (in Chinese).
