2009年4月8日 星期三

Up with People Project Day 1 4/7/2009

  Hello Everyone! Welcome to the first day of working with Up with People Volunteers!

Brief Introduction to Up with People The International department has come together with another program called Up With People together we are working to inform the community and raise money for charity. Up with People was started in 1965 by J. Blanton Belk and acted as a positive voice for young people and the organization was incorporated in 1968 and became known as an international, non-profit entity. Young people from around the world come together, and through traveling and cultural interaction build an understanding of cultures, learn how to build leadership skills, open their minds to worldly issues, and also involve themselves in community service.

I met the group from Up with People today, they all were very nice and seemed really interested in working with Eden and learning more about Taiwan. It was cool to see this group of mixed cultures, because from speaking with one of the volunteers she told me that the Up with People students have come together and are like a big family, a home away from home in a manner of speaking. The Up with People volunteers consists of people from the United States, a few from Belgium, Nepal, and Israel. I was really excited to meet them all. So we stared the day off by introducing the volunteers to Eden by showing them a video. Then they were also introduced to other departments of Eden so they can see how Eden works not only with Taiwanese community but the communities of people that come from other parts of the world.

Sharing Disabilities Activity Afterwards we had a challenge exercise for them, the volunteers had to go buy a drink from the convenience store, but their was a catch to that. Some of them had to push themselves on a wheelchair down the street and the others had to guide themselves down the street(blind folded) as well using only a guiding stick to feel the surrounding area. It was quite a challenge as some of them said but it was a great learning experience for them I can only imagine how hard it was. I did not do the outside activity but for lunch we also ate blindfolded, and I was able to test that out but it was a challenge, and was a real eye opener and makes me applaud those who do those things masterfully on a daily basis.

But I am glad that the volunteers had a great time participating here is are a couple of statements from them that I would like to share with everyone about that challenge:

"The activity that we played being a blind and a differently able person was a very innovative and new idea to experience. Personally, I really don’t see any difference in handicapped people and normal people. But the physical difference that we have sometimes make us forget how hard it is for them to do simple things that we can do without even thinking or being grateful for what we have. This activity has helped me to realize the difficulties they face in their everyday life and respect them more. "Shubheksha Rana-Nepal

"............It was a great experience depending on the person in front of us for the blind experience. We could not see but yet we trusted where they were going. I could not believe that we were in the street, it was scary but at the same time thrilling. The whole time I kept thinking, people were staring at us. I was embarrassed, you could hear them talking.....""Overall it was an impactful experience. It put me in the shoes of people that live like that every day. It is a challenge, makes you realize our world is not built for people with disabilities. The next time I see someone with disabilities struggling on the street or having trouble buying something I will remember this experience and help them." -Hans Nelson-United States

Overall, in my opinion I thought it was a great learning experience for everyone and I am glad to have been a part of it. I look forward to the coming days in doing the various jobs with the volunteers and hope of learn from them as they have learned from Eden.
Until next time!!!

Written by Jasmin Nunez
